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Environmental Assessment and Regulatory System

Tenement Holder Verification Registration
(* denotes field is mandatory)

This page is for mining tenement holders to register with the EARS 2 system and provide a primary contact email address for the purpose of the Mining Rehabilitation Fund (MRF).

You should already have received a letter containing the details you need to input into this system. To commence the process please enter the verification codes from the letter into the appropriate boxes shown below and click the Submit button to take you to the next step.

For more information on the MRF please see the following page on the DMIRS website: http://www.dmp.wa.gov.au/MRF.

For technical support in completing this process click here.

Verification Code Entry

For technical problems or questions related to DMIRS's computer systems please contact our IT Service Desk.

Phone:+61 8 9222 0777
Fax:+61 8 9222 3110

The Service Desk is available Monday to Friday (excluding Public Service holidays) between the hours of: 8:30 am and 5:00 pm (GMT+8).